Personalized Diet

How to discover what foods are good for each individual?


Food makes the energy inside our bodies. I'm curious about a problem of discovering how to know which foods are the right ones for each individual; how to mix & match them, and eat them throughout a day for best energy release?

It seems to me that me inherit our nutrition habits from families we come from. But what if the family didn't have healthy nutrition habits? Or perhaps those habits doesn't fit the individual? One is left with getting lost in the noise of Internet search trying to understand the basics of "good nutrition", and then trial & error of what food fits the individual. Could it be easier?

For example, there are methods to check for food intolerances (but Internet tells me that these tests' accuracy is questionable).

So, I'm curious how to design a personalised-diet plan (foods and recipes) for oneself and how would everyone do that themselves instead of going to a nutrition expert.

Anyone cares about such a problem? Share how you're exploring your "feeding quest"!


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Mindey 推薦這個視頻 和這個視頻,並在日記中跟蹤食物

Mindey recommends this video and this video, and tracking foods in a diary

Inga 推薦消除飲食

Inga recommends Elimination Diet


但是現在在繪製了我喫的食物並列出了要暫停以進行消除飲食的食物清單後,我發現它可能是“酪胺”引起了我的頭痛(因爲我兩週前開始喫含有它的新食物!)好吧,我現在開始對這些食物進行爲期 2 周的暫停,看看是否是這樣。

但有趣的是,我在這裏公開分享了這個謎題後發現了這個意想不到的解決方案(嘗試嘗試),這促使我與 2 個不同的朋友進行了對話,並帶來了有趣的解決方案來嘗試!

所以,是的,感謝朋友們回答我的難題(即使是在 1:1 的房間裏!):)

我的實驗學習將在 2 周內分享。

Hmm, after following friends' suggestions I discovered something! The reason for my interest in food plans was a symptom - headaches.

But now after mapping the foods I eat and making a list of foods to pause for Elimination Diet, I discovered that it could be "tyramine" causing my headaches (because I started eating new foods 2 weeks ago, that contain it!) Well, I am starting my 2 week pause on these foods now and will see if that's the case.

But it's funny that I discovered this unexpected solution (experiment to try) after publicly sharing this puzzle here, which prompted conversations with 2 different friends and led to the interesting solution to try out!

So yeah thank you friends for responding to my puzzle (even if it was in 1:1 rooms!) :)

My experiment learnings to be shared in 2 weeks..

那麼,將這個問題命名爲“食品兼容性匹配”或類似名稱會更好嗎,因爲這就是您所描述的。 “食物探索”似乎很籠統,可能意味着從農業到購物等任何事物,但您所描述的更多的是_個體生物相容的食物發現_。

So, would this problem be better named as "Food compatibility matching" or something like that, because that is what you're describing. "Food quest" seems very generic, could mean things anything from farming to shopping, etc., but what you're describing, is more of individually biocompatible food discovery.

    : Ruta
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// 如何發現對每個人有益的食物?



我只是想知道哪些傳感器可以感覺到我們身體的不適,例如 secchi 磁盤 如何測量湖泊和海洋的透明度。我們可以自動測量實際食物引起的舒適感或不適感,這將大大簡化此類數據收集的過程......

// How to discover what foods are good for each individual?

The popular answer: "there's an app for that". The funny thing is, making an app is making a list or a few of them, and asking people to fill them: doing the stats (dependence analysis) auto-discovers what's good for whom. The more participants in the study, the merrier.

However, most people don't have time for writing yet another app for this or that. Only food data won't fully solve the higher problem of individual well-being. Generic solution for this is sensors, schedulers, and database technology.

I just wonder what sensors could feel our discomfort of our bodies, like how a secchi disk measured transparency of lakes and oceans. Of we could measure the actual food-induced sense of comfort or discomfort automatically, it would very much ease the process of such data collection...

    : rmarks
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I guess, using neuralink, we could automate that collection of data about food-induced variations of well-being, quite literally reading off the signals from corresponding brain regions.

    : rmarks
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(1) 這樣的過程預設了身體的需求是靜態的。但這種情況並非如此。如果我有一天去跑步,那一天我身體的需求將與我不去跑步的另一天不同。如果我生病了也是如此。當然,隨着我們的身體變老,我們的需求也會發生變化。

(2) 這種過程假定身體處理食物的方式保持靜止。但是,事實並非如此。例如,微生物羣落會隨着時間而變化,這會影響進食後身體可利用的營養物質的種類和數量。同樣關於細胞/器官的年齡。


I think this might be more complicated than keeping a diary or even than monitoring the body’s response to a given food using technology.

There are at least two reasons why I think this is more complicated than either of those processes suggest:

(1) such a process presupposes that the body’s needs are static. But, this is not the case. If I go for a run one day, my body’s needs that day will be different from what they are on another day when I do not go for a run. Likewise if I am sick. And, as our bodies age, of course, our needs change, too.

(2) such a process presupposes that the body’s way of processing food remains static. But, this is also not the case. The micro biome, for example, changes through time, and this has an effect on the kinds and amounts of nutrients that are available to the body after eating. Likewise regarding the age of cells/organs.

So, I think using a diary or technology can be very useful and informative—but, it also can be misleading if we do not keep the above in mind.

    : transiency
    : Mindey
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