上級分類: 環境政治、法律與政府

Polycrisis in the Anthropocene

How does one solve the polycrisis in the Anthropocene in a timely manner?


Complimentary, multi-scale solutions are simultaneously required. In particular, the fragmentation of approaches due to democratic / capitalistic processes, while creating diversity also creates friction, silos and wasted resources. Some means of unifying humanity is required to mobilize citizens to play an active role. This must occur at a sufficiently deep level to avoid the polarization prevalent in the world today. The sleeping giant of the world’s citizens has to be mobilized and if this can be done, will constitute a third p, middle-way force between the false dichotomy of top-down centralized power and bottom- up individual power, neither of which, alone or even together is effective in implementing the rapid change now required.


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歡迎 [Gien] 來到“無限”。恭喜您獲得第一個興趣和問題!當您環顧四周時,請先看看頁腳中的鏈接,包括幫助部分。它解釋了這個地方是如何運作的。

如果我理解正確,您的問題相當於問題: “我們如何才能快速解決人類發展造成的所有全球關注的近期地質問題?”






Welcome [Gien] to the 'Infinity'. Congratulations with your first interest and question! While you're looking around, take a sneak at the links in the footer, including help section. It explain how this place works.

If I understand you correctly, your question is equivalent to question: "How can we quickly solve all the geologically recent problems of global concern, that human development has created?"

That's a very broad question, implying things like climate change, things of geological concern.

However, in the content section, you mostly include the human political and self-organizational issue.

Even though most such problems could be traced back to the human self-organization and politics, it is worth noting that humans are just a type of mammal, that are a bit like honey-badgers, that individually persistently look for solutions to goals they want to achieve within the scopes of their interests, making it hard to control them. The scopes of interests must intersect in a very meaningful way this to happen, as different personalities are excited about different aspects of the same things, and using different words.

For example, while the geological formulation of the problem perhaps may evoke emotional response to you, it is information-theoretic formulation (for example, how I described a similarly global issue here), that seem to evoke emotional response to me. Other people yet, will have other vocabularies that evoke emotional response, for example, economic vocabulary, and so on. As the "honey-badgers" obsessed with that side, they will view the world from that perspective, and are likely to engage in some activities to push towards the positive futures from the perspectives they feel important. What will be the outcome -- is anyone's guess, and yes, just like a bunch of "honey-badgers", humans are not that well coordinated, when it comes to the global issues.

The invention of the Internet perhaps was the single greatest contribution to make them coordinated, and we're still figuring out how to use the power of the Internet to achieve such self-coordination and mobilization.

    : transiency
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[Gien] 歡迎歡迎!

// 需要團結人類,動員公民發揮積極作用

是的,地球上的積極公民!那麼我們如何才能分享一種團結感呢?對我來說,這是關於共同的價值觀,作爲人類的共同敘事。這些普世價值是什麼?比如愛情、友誼……然後是需要,比如聯繫、自我表達等。 [SBKauffman 最近研究了 A.Maslow 的作品,並在所有需要之上添加了“超越”](https://www. goodreads.com/en/book/show/49625550-transcend)。


[Gien] welcome welcome!

// unifying humanity is required to mobilize citizens to play an active role

yes, active citizenship on the planet Earth! so how might we share a sense of togetherness? to me, this is about shared values, shared narratives as humans. what would be those universal values? like love, friendship, ... then it comes needs, like connection, seld-expression, etc. S.B.Kauffman recently looked into A.Maslow's work and added "transcendence" on top of all needs.

but also how might we go beyond unification of humans and explore a sense of unification of all living species (moving away from humans at the center of all life and into a web of life as a metaphor)? here, how could humans serve as "keystone species" and care and protect other species, and design a human made-up world with such a perspective?