Life is hard or life is complicated or life is suffering or life is difficult

Is life hard? Is life suffering?


How can we make life less complicated and simpler?

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我記得,埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 曾說過,生活有很棒的畫面,但 糟糕的情節。也許,我們可以詳細說明一下情節。除了一個身份之外,我肯定有這方面的計劃。 ;)

// 不那麼複雜和簡單

呃……但樂趣有時在於多樣性,僅僅簡單是不夠的。我知道人們希望事情變得有意義,認知放鬆,但是嘿,所有經典計算機都可以僅由與非門製成。我看過一個很好的視覺效果,這裏,作者是 Stephen Wolfram。

I remember, Elon Musk saying along the lines, that life's got great graphics, but poor plot. Perhaps, we could elaborate on the plot. I definitely got plans for that, beyond one identity. ;)

// Less complicated and simpler

Duh... but fun is in the diversity sometimes, just simplicity isn't enough for a happy life. I'm aware the desire that things just made sense, cognitive relax, but hey, all classical computers can be made from just NAND gates. I've seen a good visual, here, by Stephen Wolfram.




如果我決定要花 650 英鎊支付租金,這會極大地限制我的選擇。如果我說 1000 英鎊,我的選擇範圍會更廣,但我會花費大量的薪水。



Here's a combinatorial problem that I don't have a solution for.

You need to pick a place to live, a job and things to buy. These all depend on eachother. The shops you go to depend on where you live and how much money you have depends on your job.

I wish I could arbitrarily control websites to do searches and simple sorts for me. I need a job that is near to where I live and a place to live that is near my job. I need to search for jobs in parallel to my place to rent. You need the distance of shops to work and to home to be as small as possible. You also need good transport links.

If I decide I want to spend £650 on rent it limits my options significantly. If I say £1000 my options are wider but I would be spending a large amount of my salary.

This kind of problem needs a hill climbing algorithm that walks rent price, job salary, distance between them and shopping location distance between job and home.

So it's a multidimensional plane with many local minimums.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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是什麼讓生活變得艱難?它在工作嗎?每天準備 3 次食物喫,每餐後清潔盤子?每天出差上班?被鬧鐘吵醒?支付賬單?必須正確飲食才能避免發胖?上帝保佑我討厭運動。我討厭所有這些東西,它們無緣無故地讓生活變得艱難。

They say that a job is satisfying if it offers opportunity to mastery, autonomy and purpose. I would agree with that.

I would argue that a job needs zen or getting into the zone. I have only had that when I decided on how to achieve my job.

What makes life hard? Is it working? Preparing food 3 times a day to eat, cleaning plates after every meal? Travelling to work everyday? Waking up to an alarm? Paying bills? Having to eat right to avoid getting fat? God forbid I hate exercise. I hate all these things and they make life hard for no reason.

// 呃……但樂趣有時在於多樣性,僅僅簡單是不夠的。我意識到事情變得有意義的願望,認知放鬆

但爲什麼人們說生活艱難呢?用力難嗎?普通人可以在物理世界上消耗 2000 卡路里的熱量。這是一個痛苦的努力。那些亞馬遜員工正在遭受包裹轉移的痛苦。我們怎樣才能讓這些人的生活更輕鬆?

// Duh... but fun is in the diversity sometimes, just simplicity isn't enough for a happy life. I'm aware the desire that things just made sense, cognitive relax

But why do people say life is hard? Is it hard in terms of force exerted? The average man can exert 2000 calories of effort on the physical world. That's a painful exertion. Those Amazon employees are suffering shifting parcels. How can we make this life easier for those people?

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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I strongly believe it's about living in communities. Life is much easier and full of meaning and value. It's a cultural thing. Freedom is born when anyone can travel freely and light between communities, and be accepted and valued. Life by yourself, for yourself is hard, tedious and complicated

    : Mindey
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