問題: 藝術社會健康

Mom Service for Lonely


When human contact is rare, use a booking system to order a mom type of service


In future when a human contact ir rare, humans use a booking system MAMOS to order a professional mom to hug/listen/cook/care.

MAMOS make humans feel better by spreading healthy bacteria between humans needed to survive.


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//作爲服務的人與人之間的聯繫...也許像Buurtzorg的治理結構對此類服務提供者進行自組織成爲一種有目的的運動是有益的。 //在人與人之間傳播健康細菌那麼哪個纔是健康細菌? (我們是否有一個良性細菌數據庫?)。媽媽服務將如何運送他們? (在一個位置的良性細菌在另一個位置可能不是良性)。或者,您是在形象上而非在字面上是“細菌”的意思?

// Mom human contact as a service...

Perhaps something like Buurtzorg governing structure be good for such service providers to self-organize into a kind of purposeful movement.

// spreading healthy bacteria between humans

And which would be the healthy ones? (Do we have a database of benign bacteria?). How would the Mom service deliver them? (Benign bacteria in one location may not be benign in another). Or, are you meaning "bacteria" figuratively rather than literally?

[敏迪],我的靈感來自1971年戴維·維特(David Vetter)的真實故事,他成長爲“無細菌的人類”,但由於沒有接觸細菌而死亡(在《精神革命》中提到)。所以我想從這裏開始,人類需要接觸細菌。什麼樣的?我還不知道

[Mindey], I was inspired by a real story of David Vetter in 1971 who was raised as "germ-free human" but who died because of no exposure to bacteria (mentioned in a book "Psychobiotic Revolution").

So from here I'm thinking, humans need exposure to bacteria. What kind of? I dont know yet.