Money packages


Ask a computer what you can get by putting in a money amount in and it shall tell you a package of goods and services that when combined offer something useful to you in return for that money.. so if you put enough cash for a home renovation it shall show you ideas for a house renovation and be fully costed. If you have certain electronics it shall recommend what electronics to buy based on what you have such as accessories.


Imagine a database of products and services. Then you match packages of products and services of a particular theme together and sell someone a package of them together.

So if you also had a database of what you have you can predict what someone might want based on what they have. And what they don't have you can recommend something to buy.


(別通知) (可選) 請,登錄

這會像谷歌地圖一樣,在那裏你可以得到一個列表,列出你可以用給定數量的燃料旅行到的所有地點? (即,您輸入燃料量,它會顯示可能從某個位置 X 走的所有道路)我們也可以用錢製作那種地圖:過濾產品組合(可能的籃子),但組合起來會具有爆炸性——即使使用簡單的地圖和燃料,它也已經具有爆炸性,因爲道路上的每一個岔路口都會帶來新的可能的旅行組合。你必須限制你的查詢,比如說——在給定數量的燃料/金錢的情況下,你能走的最遠距離是多少。

Would this be like Google maps, where you could get a list of all locations that you can travel to with a given amount of fuel? (i.e., you enter the amount of fuel, and it shows all the roads that could possibly be taken from a location X) We could do that kind of map with money too: filter of product combinations (possible baskets), but combinatorially that would be explosive -- it is already explosive even with simple maps and fuel, because every forking on the road leads to new possible travel combination. You have to constrain your query to, say, -- what's the furthest you could go with given amount of fuel / money.

Mindey 我希望它用於步行和公共交通。

例如,我想看看我在 10-20 分鐘內能走多遠。公共汽車站或火車站附近可能有我不知道的商店。


Mindey I want that for walking and public transport usage.

For example, I want to see how far I can get within 10-20 minutes. There may be shops near bus stations or train stations I don't know of.

But yes the number of items you can purchase for a set amount of money is interesting computationally. I think it's a variation of the calculating coins to use to give change or to bin pack items in a crate or shipping package.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 



Like an extrapolating recommender based on your current trend and the money threshold?


亞馬遜在產品頁面上有一個部分,上面寫着“買了這個的人也買了這個”。然後它說以 a b c 的價格購買這些。我不確定它是否能讓你以更便宜的價格購買它,但我從來沒有買過它們。我在我最近買的書上看到了它。還有另一本書是人們用我的書買的。

Yes recommendation systems could be used to calculate what other people have and could use reviews for feedback.

Amazon has a section on a product page that says "people that bought this also bought this." And then it says buy these for £a+b+c. I'm not sure if it lets you buy it for cheaper but I've never bought one of them. I saw it for my book I bought recently..there was another book that people bought with my book.


想象一下,註冊一家通過規模經濟爲您提供服務的公司。因此,您將 100% 的工資分配給他們,他們爲您分配食物、交通和住所。

The reason I want this is that I want to do this for salaries.

Imagine registering for a company that does economy of scale to provide services to you. So you allocate 100% of your salary to them and they allocate you food, transport and shelter.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 




// 以 £a b c 的價格購買這些

也許這只是 k-means 之類的聚類。


// "people that bought this also bought this."

Amazon recommends generally based on collaborative filtering.

// buy these for £a+b+c

Perhaps that's just k-means-like clustering.

There are many more complex methods, but those do not do true intent inference: those are associations based on trends, not understanding true intent of user.