問題: 藝術Definition of Life

Living Matryoshkas


Balancing Lower-Level System for Cascading Effects in Higher Levels


The hypothesis is, if a lower level living system is un-well, the higher level living system is un-well too. Specifically, if a bacteria is un-well, human body is un-well too, and such earth is un-well too.

1 Living Systems Principles

If Human, Bacteria, Earth all are living systems, they share Living Systems principles:

  • Autopoiesis - self-making, self-maintaining, self-regeneration

  • Synergy - the whole is bigger than its parts

  • Fractals

... (which other Living Systems principles we should explore for this experiment?)

2 Balancing Lower-Level System for Cascading Effects in Higher Levels

If #1 is true, then we try to balance a lower-level system (which is a bacteria), so that we see if a higher-level system improves (which is a human, and then the earth).


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我看到您正在嘗試將這種“自下而上”的世界觀與“生活系統原則”結合起來,假設它們普遍使生活系統在組織的任意層次上“幸福”或和諧。那麼,您留下的帶有“ ...”標記的“生活系統”的其餘原理是什麼,因爲它似乎是該思想的細節和新穎性的核心(如“自下而上”原理本身就是衆所周知的)。


可以將此思想概括爲:“接受生命系統的原理,並將其應用到生活的基本層面,並通過歸納,使宏觀和高階生活條件得到改善?” 順便說一句,何時考慮細菌之類的事物的福祉,不要將它們視爲某種仁慈的媒介,它們會因人格而異,還有諸如壞死性筋膜炎(“食人魚細菌”)之類的物種,它們不會靠近我們的系統,例如蚊子。我們可能認爲我們想對所有事物都有利,但必須在正確的時間,正確的時間將事物放置在正確的位置,以使系統實現和諧。

// Balancing Lower-Level System for Cascading Effects in Higher Levels //

Do you mean -- "Bottom-Up" world view -- "To achieve well-being in the higher levels of organization, first balance the lower level of organization?" I guess this idea has been part of Confucian philosophy: i.e., start from yourself, then "the family, the school, the local community, the state, and the kingdom".

I see that you are trying to combining this "bottom-up" world view with the "Living Systems Principles", assuming that they universally make living systems "happy" or harmonious at arbitrary level of organization. So, what are the rest of the principles of "Living Systems" that you had left with the "..." mark, as it seems to be the core of specifics and novelty of this idea (as the "bottom-up" as principle itself is well-known).

Finally, assuming that bacteria are the level of organization that one cares about, how would one apply the principles of "Autopoiesis" and "Synergy" and "Fractals" to make that level be "well" (that would result in the improvement in the levels above)?

Could this idea be summarized as -- "Take the principles of Living Systems, and apply them at the base level of life, and by induction, get the condition of macroscopic and higher order life improve?" Btw., when thinking of well-being of things like bacteria, don't think of them as some kind of benevolent agents, they are varied as personalities, there are species like the necrotizing fasciitis ("piranha bacteria"), that one would not to get near our systems, or, for example mosquitos. We may think we want to be good for everything, but things have to be in the right places at the right times for systems to achieve harmony.

    : Ruta
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