Social Experiment Turning Off Identities on Social Media


No identities on social media to reveal true thinking going on in human heads


Social media applications design prevents people of showcasing who they want to be and post original thoughtful content.

Would people share about different topics and use a different tone if their social media identities are turned off for them and everyone?


(別通知) (可選) 請,登錄


Mindey祕密打開了Dynalist的新的可匿名匿名編輯的新頁面,並將其添加爲鏈接。 (請參閱鏈接)。

You mean, like, posting without usernames? Maybe. We actually can try that.

Mindey surreptitiously opens a new publicly anonymously editable page of Dynalist, and adds it as a link. (See links).

今天的Hive Mind讓我想起了這個主意。

Today's Hive Mind reminded me this idea.