問題: Computer: Game生命長壽



Generalization of Tetris: A strategic game with a variety of morphing shapes flowing through topological holes (like digestive tract) with increasing variety and speed, and complementaries (like matching Tetris bricks) that interact to break down into smaller ones, and a global goal to sustain their flow from clogging the system.


We can safely say that no known human has lived past 200 years old. The death rates closely follow the Gompertz–Makeham law of probability, which describes well a processes of interaction of criminals that are able to build fortresses after not being captured in time, and a slowly decaying number of patrolling policemen to contain them. Interestingly, this is very similar to build up of hard-to-eliminate structures within game of Tetris, as the relative (to our reaction) speed of falling bricks slowly increases.

In real life, the analogy to game of Tetris can be extended. We know that AI can play games well, so, here's an idea for a more general analogy to create an opportunity for search of generic strategies, which could then be reapplied back to longevity practice. For examples of strategies from the game of Tetris, -- (e.g., less food, slower and less complex bricks are good simpler/slower food ="slower tetris"); complementary bricks eliminating multiple lines are good (e.g., liquids wash away, and certain substances like lecithin helps to do that for lipids too). (Eat less, drink more, use molecular solvents.)

So, instead of Tetris, imagine a game that allows a player to grow a network of tubes, which starts from a single inflow point ("mouth") and grows filled with a liquid that carries morphing shapes through the system. The goal of a player is to grow network and optimize flow of shapes through it by tinkering with parameters and preventing shapes from clogging as the variety of shapes and the speed of flow increases. The player could make decisions as to where the new shapes should/could go, and what factors to encounter. As a strategic game, the player should be able to use some of those materials to grow various "organs" in the network, producing other shapes (think -- "enzymes") that, if, if complementary, then eliminate the blockages by bursting into smaller pieces.

The game score would be computed as the cumulative effect of network size that the player was able to grow, and the number of eliminated complementary shapes.

Credits: Inyuki of HalfBakery.


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-超級馬里奧的形狀(馬里奧(Mario))會穿過山谷和隧道,直到通過(“ Game Won”)。 -俄羅斯方塊的“ Marios”下降得更快,直到它們堵塞了洞(“ Game Over”) -人體-兩者都一樣,但從攝取物質到排泄物,都要經歷更復雜的迷宮。


This train of thought says that the game of "Super Mario" is no different from the game of "Tetris", and no different from human body, and no different from a ball going through a doughnut -- all of them are about shapes going through a hole with obstacles or limitations:

  • Super Mario has a shape (the Mario) that goes through valleys and tunnels, until it goes through ("Game Won").
  • Tetris has got many "Marios" that fall ever faster, until they clog the hole ("Game Over")
  • Human body -- kind of like both, but much more complex maze to go through, from matter ingestion to excretion.

Sure, some holes have loop-backs and all kind of complexities within, making the games more fun, worth playing...



我想知道是否有一些方法可以一起探討這個想法。我的MUTANTU漫畫可以與您的遊戲鏈接! (跨學科的合作伙伴關係揭示了意料之外的聯繫!)



// going through a human body as a game world would be highly educational, that could result in kids gaining confidence in actually doing something about human bodies //

Love this! It's more than that. Gaining empathy towards the Earth starts with empathy towards one's Body.

I wonder, if there are some ways to explore this idea together. My MUTANTU comics could link with your game! (Cross-disciplinary partnerships reveal the unexpected links!)

I like the idea of a human body as a Maze. And each body part like a country with different heroes (organs and bacterias). It'd be cool to travel inside and outside the body (different parts of the skin).

I was thinking, first, to travel the main body parts like Intestines, Heart, Brain.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 


//我想知道,是否有一些方法可以一起探索這個想法。我的MUTANTU漫畫可以與您的遊戲鏈接! (跨學科的合作伙伴關係揭示了意料之外的聯繫!)//



身體有太多子系統,因此涉及醫學專家會很有意義,並考慮使用biodigital.comAPI(是的,人體導航儀具有“ API” )。使用其數據,創建3D遊戲會容易得多,只需繪製並創建圖即可。我已經聯繫了製作BioDigital的人,他們顯然對數據的使用感興趣。

// I wonder, if there are some ways to explore this idea together. My MUTANTU comics could link with your game! (Cross-disciplinary partnerships reveal the unexpected links!) //

While not my major project, not a project yet at all, but it's something that makes a lot of sense to me.

// Intestines, Heart, Brain //

Body has so many sub-systems, that it would make sense involving medical experts, and consider using biodigital.com API (yes, the human body navigator has got an "API"). Using its data, creating a 3D game would be much easier, just come up with plots and create. I've contacted people making the BioDigital, they are obviously interested in the uses of their data.